Did You Get Lost on the Trip?

Aired On: Mar 15, 2023
Did You Get Lost on the Trip?
ABOUT This Episode

Episode 5 of Machines in Between is about the immediate processes of absorption that mediate us. All those tools and devices that facilitate memory and forgetting both—how do they make us who we are? What is the value of history when all is becoming a matter of predictive processing? What happens to the past amidst so many technologies of the virtual?

With the arrival of a new update for the Rosary 1653, Episode 5 takes a psychedelic turn as co-hosts John and Libby Modern ponder the collapse of time itself in the present age. Joined by an all-star cast including Anthea Butler, Melissa Wilcox, Elijah Siegler, Donovan Schaefer, Cory McAbee, and Susannah Crockford, Episode 5: Did You Get Lost on the Trip? considers when the machine began and entertains where the human endgame is going.

You are invited to experience how the drama unfolds and the cultural critique flows. With original scores, rare samples, and segments on cyborg skin and memory extraction, Minecraft religion and Twitter politics, 5G and serial endosymbiosis theory, Machines in Between takes you where you need to be.

Public humanities never sounded so good.

Serial Endosymbiosis Theory

Donovan Schaefer explores the evolutionary pedigree of our mechanical surround

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Cyborg Skin

Melissa Wilcox contemplates what lies between the skin and the sacred

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Twitter Warrior

Anthea Butler considers how Twitter changes the brain and the body politic

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Minecraft Kids

Elijah Siegler captures the origin and end of a new religious movement

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The second track from Susannah's new conspiracy LP!

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Meeting Kelvin in Copenhagen

Kelvin and John share a moment

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A Night to Remember

John is overwhelmed by the Rosary's memory extraction mode

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